How long should a cosmetic consultation take?

A 2022 report by the UK Health and Social Care Committee identified that 70% of people seeking a non-surgical cosmetic procedure had a consultation which lasted less than 20 minutes. Alarmingly, almost one-quarter of patients were not asked about their medical history, and 80% were not asked about their mental health history during their consult. This can put patients at risk, and leaves practitioners open to complaints and potential litigation issues for missing crucial information.

The consultation is often one of the most critical steps in determining the success of a cosmetic treatment journey. A longer consultation might seem like a scheduling inconvenience and reduced profit because less patients are seen, but it is actually vital for several reasons. Taking the time to get to know your patients, thoroughly assess them, and ensure mutual understanding before any procedure helps establish trust, avoid potential issues, and create a foundation for long-term care.

With the advertising of cosmetic procedures now heavily restricted in Australia and terms like anti-wrinkle and dermal fillers being banned, patients are also required to book a consultation to seek information they may have previously found online. A thorough consultation is now even more important than ever before – for assessment, education, client acquisition and retention. 

1. Building Trust and Understanding Your Patient
One of the most significant factors contributing to successful cosmetic outcomes is the relationship between the practitioner and the patient. A longer consultation allows both parties to build trust and rapport, which is essential before embarking on any cosmetic treatment journey.

Patients need to feel heard, understood, and confident that their concerns are being taken seriously. This is especially important when dealing with aspects as personal as one’s appearance. A longer consultation allows you to explore the patient’s motivations, concerns, and desired outcomes in depth, leading to better treatment plans that align with their needs.

Giving more time during a consult signals to the patient that they are valued and that their concerns are worth a thoughtful, professional response. Without this initial foundation of trust, even the best procedures may feel unsatisfactory or lead to emotional distress.

2. Thorough Assessments Reduce Legal and Ethical Risks
Rushing through a consultation increases the risk of missing critical information, which could lead to complications, dissatisfaction, or even legal and ethical issues down the line. A shorter consult may overlook essential details about the patient’s medical history, psychological health, or past cosmetic procedures.

For example, questions like: “Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition?” or “Have you taken any psychiatric medications?” might get bypassed in a rushed setting. These details, however, are crucial as they may affect the patient’s expectations, outcomes, or reactions to the procedure.

Taking the time to conduct a thorough assessment helps ensure that all relevant information is gathered and factored into the treatment plan. This reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings, adverse outcomes, and potential legal liabilities that can arise from incomplete assessments.

3. Longer Consultations are an Investment in Long-Term Patient Retention
While the initial investment of time might seem costly, it pays off in the long run by fostering a sense of connection with your patient. Patients are more likely to stay with you for future treatments if they feel understood and valued. They will appreciate the time spent addressing their concerns and expectations thoroughly.

Cosmetic procedures are often not one-time events; patients typically return for follow-up treatments, touch-ups, or even additional procedures. The relationship built during a more extended consultation can lead to greater patient loyalty, more referrals, and a higher likelihood of positive reviews, all of which contribute to the growth and success of your practice.

The length of a consultation may vary depending on whether it is a non-surgical procedure and the intention is to perform a procedure within the allocated time, or a consult for a cosmetic surgery with permanent and potentially irreversible outcomes. However, anything less than 30 minutes is unlikely to scratch the surface of relationship building, physical and psychological assessment and adequate informed consent. Longer consultations should not be viewed as a time drain but as a valuable investment in building strong, lasting relationships with your patients. 

Screening questionnaires can make your consults more efficient, as they help you gather information quickly that may have taken a lot longer when asked in an interview style. Our ReadyMind software can help you streamline your screening and consultation processes to ensure you don’t miss any vital information, and protect you from potential complaints or legal action. Get in touch to find out how we can help you take your consultation to the next level!

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